I believe that I have warned before about the coming Rodentia Revolution. We have done so many experiments on those animals (just type in "rodent" in Google scholar and see what you get). Here is a sample:
Leptin levels in human and rodent: Measurement of plasma leptin and ob RNA in obese and weight-reduced subjects
Evidence for higher rates of nucleotide substitution in rodents than in man
Too many rodent carcinogens: mitogenesis increases mutagenesis
And that was just the first page.
It seems that they may be starting their revolution in my kitchen. A few weeks ago (four) I noticed their little turds on my counter one morning. And found that they were inhabiting under my kitchen sink. So I did what any sane person would do - I cleaned every available counter space, cleaning anything they could have possibly touched, and put mouse traps under the sink with peanut butter on them. That night I caught one - and only one - mouse.
Apparently that was the stupid one.
Since then, I have resorted to
1) More traps.
2) More peanut butter. (They have been eating the p.b. off the traps. Keep in mind, I can barely put these traps in there, because the mere movement of putting the trap down sets them off. I am beginning to think that these rodents have the ability to levitate).
3) Poison.
4) Glue traps.
5) All of the above.
So far, all I have gotten is less peanut butter and more turds. This is very frustrating on my part. Apparently, they have evolved the ability to thwart mouse traps (plural! They poop next to the traps) and also the ability to annoy me into cursing. Also, they are obviously inviting friends over for parties on top of (and I said on top of) my dog's crate (which is large enough that I can fit into it. Now how do they get on top of it? By climbing up the wall with their suction cup feet?).
Are these X-men-type mice I'm dealing with? Maybe I need a video camera.
But be warned you rodents. The exterminator comes Friday. Then we shall see who wins.
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