So, last Tuesday I got to leave work early to pick up my daughter at daycare due to the impending blizzard (is this number 3? I forget already). We had already received 2 feet of snow the previous weekend, and were due for more. The next morning we woke up and there was already a foot on the ground. We received another foot before it was over, giving us something like 4 feet of snow in our yard, five or so where it was drifting (my father-in-law called to tell us he saw Fawn Grove on the news- they said we were going to be one of the places that got the most snow. I mean, really? There’s not much going on in Fawn grove. We don’t even have a stop light.).
And nobody was even going to try to plow our road until Friday (we discovered) because the winds were so bad they couldn’t keep the main roads open. Or something like that. So we were stuck there for 4 days. With a 5-year-old. Apparently, when a child has nothing to do but play in the snow, they actually get tired of it. Who new? I learned a few things too, about myself. Like, if you watch the Wiggles enough, you start to think to yourself, “You know, I bet this would make a really good exercise program. I bet that’s how they stay in shape.” You also start to think about which Wiggle is the hottest one (I’m going with the blue one, and no, I haven’t watched it enough to keep their names straight yet.) Also, we watched the Doodlebops (it’s Canadian, for those of you uninitiated. But I think they got bought out by Disney.) And when you watch that long enough, you start to wonder what they really look like under all that makeup and stuff.
So, we did actually spend a lot of time in the snow. We made an igloo (how many times do you get to do that in southern PA?) And then, a few days later, the dog discovered he could make his way to the top of the igloo and bark his version of, “I’m king of the world!” Of course, he then had to find a way to get down. Today, we get to try to get my state truck out (king cab, 8-foot bed and no four-wheel drive. In what universe does that make any sense? Oh, wait, one where it doesn’t snow.
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